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Soundleaks #3: Computer Music workshops 2018/10/27

For English version, please scroll down.
Hey,好久不见! 我们很高兴请到了活跃在日本东京/名古屋的两位计算机音乐家为大家带来电脑音乐的工作坊,他们分别是宇佐美 理(Tadashi Usami)和 前田康行(Maeda Yasuyuku)。
时间:2018年10月27日 下午2:00至6:20(中间20分钟休息)
提醒: 两位讲者的笔记本二重奏HydrKlank将在26日晚在北京fRUITYSPACE参加Algorave Beijing,进行现场编程演出。
Workshop1: Introduction to programming sound with SuperCollider
讲者: 宇佐美 理 Tadashi Usami
- 一台安装有SuperCollider的笔记本
- 如果可以请携带自己的耳机。
宇佐美 理 Tadashi Usami
宇佐美 理(Tadashi Usami),1969年出生于名古屋。他曾跟随 Fred Frith 学习作曲,以及师从 Chris Brown 学习作曲与电子音乐,曾获得过 Frog Peak 实验音乐奖(2004)。他的兴趣领域包括算法作曲,多媒体交互,大乐团以及 audience networking。
Workshop2: Exploring sound with Clojure and Overtone
时间: 4:20PM - 6:20PM
讲者: 前田康行(Maeda Yasuyuki)
- 请携带自己的笔记本,并在参加工作坊前安装所有的软件依赖。
下载工作坊的文件 https://github.com/illiichi/workshop ,并阅读 README 文件,确保可以发出声音!
前田康行(Maeda Yasuyuku)
前田康行(aka illiichi)是一位来自日本名古屋的程序员与计算机音乐家。
使用工具:自制软件llll, overtone, clojure, emacs.
Hello everyone, it’s been a while since our last event!
We’re very happy to invite Tadashi Usami and Maeda Yasuyuki to give us workshops on SuperCollider and Overtone!
HydrKlank live coding at Nagoya
2018 Oct 27th 2:00PM - 6:20PM(20mins intermission)
Venue: Beijing DaWangLu (RSVP to get full address)
Due to our space limitation,we only have 20 seats for each workshop. Please email your name, phone number and which workshop you want to attend to soundleakschina@gmail.com. (There will be an confirmation email send back to you with detail in 24hours.)
Language: Both workshops will be taught in English.
Workshop1: Introduction to programming sound with SuperCollider
Time: 2PM - 4PM
Lecturer: Tadashi Usami
For whom do not have any programming experience and are interested in using a computer for flexible sound expressions.
- a laptop computer with SuperCollider installed
- a pair of headphones
Tadashi Usami (宇佐美 理)
Tadashi Usami (宇佐美 理) Born in Nagoya, 1969. Studied composition with Fred Frith, composition and electronic music with Chris Brown. Frog Peak Experimental Music Award (2004). Algorithmic composition, interactive multimedia, ensemble and audience networking.
Workshop2: Exploring sound with Clojure and Overtone
Time: 4:20PM - 6:20PM
Lecturer: Maeda Yasuyuki
This workshop will be about creating sound in Overtone, an open source Clojure audio environment.
No music knowledge is required. I will tell you the basis of creating sound, then I want everyone to try making their own sound with Clojure in this workshop. Although just changing the parameters of sample codes could be fun, it would be helpful if you have a Clojure skill.
Please bring your own laptop and install all required dependencies on it before the workshop: https://overtone.github.io/docs.html#_dependencies
Download the workshop files at https://github.com/illiichi/workshop , and do the README.md
and make sure you can make the test sound.
You also had better bring your earphones or headphones.
Maeda Yasuyuku(前田康行)
Maeda Yasuyuki(aka illiichi)is a programmer and computer musician living in Nagoya, Japan.
tools: llll, overtone, clojure, emacs.